Thank you for sharing this incredible story. A reminder that we are all children of God.

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Oh, wow... another good one, Andrew... Another good story that you share.

I keep reading with anticipation of what the next word, the next sentence will add to the scene.


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what a beautiful story. Bless God wherever he is.

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It’s not every day a man gets to meet God in the flesh… or is it?


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Andrew this a beautiful piece of your amazing gift of words. it sounds so unreal.. the depth of your perception and feeling is incredible. I loved it 🙏

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This story flows so beautifully. I’m excited to read more sibling stories, more uncertain stories, more overcoming stories. It all almost sounds like a dream but you describe it with so much clarity and humanness. I love the quote about the limit to which we can see one another. I love the quote about the metaphysical tendrils looking for connection. I love that you were able to come back to this moment

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