Hey people,
I started writing this one in the winter, in the midst of some pretty strong resistance to my new job, my first ever office-based job. “What have I done?! What am I doing?!” I started writing this to make sense of what was happening, find some kind of meaning or way through. Classic writer stuff: Having an existential crisis? Sure, talk to someone about it if you can, but definitely, absolutely, imperatively go write. So I’ve been writing, and now that it’s finished and I’m sharing it with you, I guess I have been talking about it with someone all along. You all. And Tana, bless her.
With the springtime coming in, and eight months under my belt at the office, I actually feel like I’ve turned a corner from where I was when I began this piece. Maybe there’s another story about that, about what this job is opening up for me now, in my heart, in my spirit, but first, this one, straight from the struggle. “The strug,” as Greg says.
Thanks for reading. Means a lot.